Self-Service: The Future of Product Analytics

Picture of Alex Li
Alex Li
Founder / CEO
Self-Service Offering

In this article


Data-driven decision-making continues to become crucial for companies of all sizes. Whether you are a startup or a Fortune 500 company, understanding your users’ behavior has never been more important.

In this pursuit of growth, companies turn to product analytics to collect and analyze the information that will help them provide a better digital experience, and win over new users. The only problem with this is traditional product analytics can be labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Luckily, there are new developments in the product analytics space with regard to the collection and analysis of user data. Companies now have the option to skip the SDK or ETL integration with no-code solutions that allow product analytics to connect directly with their cloud data warehouse, creating one single source of truth.

Kubit And The Future Of Self-Service Product Analytics

Below are some ways that Kubit is helping Product Analytics move towards a Self-Service future.

Era Of Analytics Is On-Demand:

Organizations are increasingly relying on getting the insights they need when they need them. This makes for real-time decision-making and a more dynamic approach to problem-solving. But, traditional Product Analytics has not allowed for this real-time decision-making to happen.

Kubit solves this problem with their real-time user dashboard and dynamic cohorting. With Kubit, your team can get the insights they need without having to wait for a team of analysts to find it for them. To learn more about how easy it can be to get instant Product Analytics insights, click here.

The need for team-driven analysis:

Collaboration is key when an Organization is trying to get the most out of their product Analytics. But, this collaboration can be difficult when non-technical team members don’t have the tools they need to find and share the insights that they are looking for.

Kubit helps to solve this problem by providing a team-driven platform. The best analytics decisions are made by groups that work from One Single Source of Truth. Kubit’s platform fosters team cohesion, efficient communication, and data-driven cultures with a simple but elegant platform.

Bottom Line:

Whether you’re a Product Manager at an early-stage startup or a Marketing Analyst at a Fortune 500 company, you know that good data is critical for making vital business decisions.

Today, the biggest names in the consumer enterprise space are betting on Kubit’s self-service analytics platform to close this gap and give their employees greater insight into how their products and user behaviors are performing.

Alex Li
Founder / CEO

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